Empowering Your Crypto Journey with the Ultimate AML Compliance Education Resource Toolkit
The burgeoning cryptocurrency space has raised an insatiable appetite for resources that inform, guide, and empower the audience in understanding AML compliance. It’s no secret that the evolving nature of this digital economy presents unique challenges, making the crypto-focused AML compliance version a distinct character on its own. Thus, understanding its unique peculiarities should top the priority list for every player in the field, whether a startup still wet behind the ears or a seasoned enterprise.
Why is this so important? An understanding of the unique aspects of the crypto AML compliance space is not only a regulatory mandate, but also empowers you to navigate the technological advances and regulatory challenges of the constantly evolving terrain.
Expanding Your Knowledge through Expert Insights
Our quick-start resource guide is your gateway to rapidly expand your knowledge on cryptocurrency AML compliance. Crypto is a truly global community, and a significant advantage is how many of its foremost AML experts readily dispense their insights in the public domain.
Crypto Compliance Experts
One such intellectual benevolence comes from Stephen Sargeant, a celebrated compliance consultant and certified crypto trainer. His deep-dive discussions spanning Web3, Blockchain, and compliance illuminate the connections within the crypto ecosystem. You can soak up Stephen’s wisdom (and wit) by following him on Linkedin, Twitter, or Youtube.
Joe Ciccolo (full disclosure he’s the Founder and President of BitAML) is a highly accomplished compliance expert, offering hallmark services in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency market for over 8 years now. In that time, he’s worked with hundreds of crypto companies, both big and small. A holder of both CAMS and AMLCA credentials, Joe’s proven expertise continues to bridge traditional and crypto financial institutions, placing him at the forefront of his field. With his comprehensive background, which includes pioneering roles in risk management and founding an AML compliance program for a then-top 100 US financial institution, Joe features regularly as a guest speaker at industry events and provides tailored training for an array of financial professionals.
Meet Todd Maher, a bitcoin compliance and anti-money laundering consultant, auditor, and blockchain analytics examiner. As the Founder of BitSource AML Solutions, Todd leads a compliance advisory firm specializing in outsource AML compliance, helping crypto companies carry out their day-to-day regulatory responsibilities. Explore BitSource’s services today and leverage Todd’s frontline compliance knowledge to keep your business ahead in a rapidly changing regulatory environment.
Knowledge Portals
While individual AML experts like Stephen Sargeant, Todd Maher, and Joe Ciccolo are fountains of knowledge, several platforms consistently curate and publish insightful content through their robust hubs.
TRM Labs
Offering a treasure trove of in-depth videos on compliance, its core business model- harnessing blockchain data with sophisticated analytics to combat fraud, money laundering, and financial crimes- makes it a reliable destination for thorough insights. TRM Labs also has a fantastic, well-curated Twitter feed.
Chainalysis has established itself as a leading blockchain data platform, offering unparalleled services such as data provision, software, research and other essential services to a diverse client base. They consistently put out amazing, in-depth reporting through their blog posts that are ripe with insightful infographic charts. For example, a recent blogpost provided a detailed analysis of crypto funds associated with the opioid crisis using sophisticated blockchain analytics and tracking.
Looks like you’ve already found your way to this one yourself! All cheekiness aside, BitAML’s online resources are prolific and a great way to stay abreast of relevant compliance topics in the crypto financial space.
In addition to our blogging, we here at BitAML actively share content across various social media channels, whether its instructional compliance videos on our YouTube channel, informational posts on LinkedIn, or smaller form content on the lighter side via Instagram or Twitter. Follow, like, and subscribe today!
Subscribing to newsletters is a great way to stay on top of the latest compliance news, trends, and more, all without leaving the comfort of your inbox. Here are a handful of gems that we recommend signing up for:
Structured Learning
Last but not least, delving into the crypto space with a more formal and structured learning approach is an exceptional strategy to speed up your understanding of the complex world of cryptocurrency. One course that stands out is the ACFCS C2S Comprehensive compliance course offered by the Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists (ACFCS). This invaluable course provides professionals with the necessary expertise to tackle financial crime risks associated with cryptocurrencies and virtual assets. BitAML was proud to collaborate with so many talented compliance professionals on the creation of the C2S course.
In conclusion
In bringing together these extensive resources, our intent is to make your journey in the crypto AML compliance landscape a rewarding and fruitful experience. We trust that you’ll find one, if not all, of the shared resources profoundly helpful. We encourage you to continuously add to your own compliance library. If you’re in search of additional compliance resources, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts here at BitAML.