Category: Compliance 101
Cryptocompliance 101: How your business should incorporate the Funds Travel Rule
September 10, 2019
UPDATE: Funds Travel Rule compliance remains a contentious and unsettled issue within the cryptocurrency space. While a solution is not yet present as of...
Do all crypto business models require a board of directors?
August 19, 2019
A board of directors sounds like something you’d find at a major corporation, not a small-time bitcoin ATM operator. But according to regulators, the...
Cryptocompliance 101: How To Assess HIFCA And HIDTA Risk For MSBs
August 12, 2019
If you’re newer to crypto, you might hear the acronyms HIFCA and HIDTA tossed about in relation to risk analysis. If so, you’ve probably...
Records Retention For Cryptocurrency MSBs: Here Are The Documents You Need To Keep
July 8, 2019
Records retention – it may not be the most exciting topic, but it’s definitely one of the most important for cryptocurrency businesses. Why? Because...
What cryptos need to know about the BSA’s ‘Fifth Pillar’
June 25, 2019
The BSA’s so-called ‘fifth pillar’ has created a lot of confusion over how it applies to crypto, if at all. This post explains what...
What are law enforcement requests and how to respond when you get them
April 22, 2019
It’s common for cryptocurrency business owners to be unfamiliar with law enforcement requests. If you’re unsure of how you’d handle a law enforcement request...
[UPDATED] Operating in marijuana-legal states comes with important rules for crypto MSBs
April 16, 2019
Hi there. A lot has changed in this space since this article was published, so we’ve recently published an updated blog post on the...
Cryptocompliance 101: The Importance Of Annual Audits And Independent Testing
April 8, 2019
Your AML compliance program is only as good as a third party says it is. Thus, annual AML audits (or independent AML reviews as...
Cryptocompliance 101: Responding To Grand Jury Subpoenas For Crypto Businesses
April 1, 2019
It’s becoming increasingly more common for financial institutions, including businesses in the crypto space, to receive grand jury subpoenas. Thus, it’s very possible that...